

Learn to Stride

No tricycles or training wheels needed!

Strider vs Tradition: Better by 2 Years!

Balance is the key to riding a bike. Tricycles and training wheels don’t teach balance. It is as simple as that. Strider allows your child to feel the lean of the bike and learn to control it through the steering. Starting with a Strider Bike creates a safe, easy, and fun path to pedaling like a pro with zero gaps and solid overlaps. Now kids can learn to ride a bike two years sooner!


Strider 12” Sport Bike + Rocking Base Multicolor (No Pedal)


Strider 12″ Sport Balance Bike (Multi Color)


Strider 14x Balance Bike (Multi Color)

2 in 1 Rocking Bikes (0-2 years)

Babies learn to rock before starting to ride their first bike. Start young and practice balance with your little one to get them familiar with fun on two wheels! Strider 2-in-1 Rocking Bikes are the best way to begin teaching balance and reach developmental milestones.


12″ Balance Bikes (1-4 years)

Balance bikes are setting toddlers up for immediate success by creating independence and giving them the confidence to try new things! These lightweight, all-terrain balance bikes will introduce your kiddo to the world of cycling and inspire a lifelong love of riding.


14x Bikes (3-6 years)

This convertible Strider bike can be used in multiple ways – starting in balance mode and transitioning to their first pedal bike. Once your kiddo feels confident handling a bigger bike, their balance and coordination improve, too. Encourage your little rider to share your passion for riding bikes with the Strider 14x!
